General election of February 2024

The General election of February 2024 is the first election of the year 2024.

The General election of February 2024 was announced by the Head of State on the 17th February 2024. It's the first election of the year 2024, with the last election being held in December 2023.

This election is a general election: meaning that by law, there must be 5 days of voting with at least 5 days notice before voting actually begins.

Election key dates

Commonly asked questions

For voters:

Q: Where do I find my ballot?
A: Your ballot can be found on this page and will also be sent to you by email.

Q: What do I need to vote?
A: To vote, you'll need your Citizen Tracking ID (Citizen ID), recorded email address and assigned province.

Q: Where do I find my Citizen ID?
A: Your Citizen Tracking ID can be found on your certificate of citizen status and in the email that the Office of the Head of State sent with your ballot.

Q: How do I know my assigned province?
A: Your assigned province should have been sent to you in an email from and should be in the email that the Office of the Head of State sent with your ballot.

For candidates:

Q: Can I vote for myself?
A: If you're running in your assigned province, yes you can.

Q: Which province can I vote in?
A: You can only vote in the province that you've been assigned to, regardless of the province that you're running as a candidate in.

Q: What do I need to run as a candidate?
A: To run as a candidate, you'll need your Citizen Tracking ID, email address and the name of the party that you're running with.

Q: I've submitted by application to run- what next?
A: Please see our Checklist for candidates page.