
Information about general and snap elections.

The State of Hokoria is a benevolent dictatorship, however the Office of the Head of State does hold some democratic elections in the State of Hokoria in order to ensure that the people are represented and can get involved in Hokoria's politics.

Typically, only general elections and snap elections are held (as according to the Act of Democratic Reform). These elections allow citizens to vote for candidates within their assigned provinces, with the elected individual being appointed as the Provincial Representative for that specific region. All Provincial Representatives must be a part of an officially registered political party, with the leader of the party that has the most elected individuals being appointed as the Chancellor for a three-month term.

The differences

There are some very slight differences between general and snap elections, mostly the time-frames that they take place within. General elections must be announced at least 5 days before voting begins, with voting taking place over another 5 days. Snap elections must be announced at least 3 days before voting begins, with voting taking place over just 2 days.

What do we vote for?

In general and snap elections, you'll be voting for someone to represent you in the Council of Representatives. It's important that you choose someone who will listen to you and fight for you. Parties should also be considered, as the party that has the most elected representatives will lead the nation.

How do I vote?

When the voting period begins, you'll be able to find the ballot at https://democracy.govhok.uk/vote. The Office of the Head of State also emails each citizen with a link to the ballot and the details that they'll need to send their ballot. Elections are held digitally, with verification details being required in order to ensure that ballots can be verified and counted.